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Saturday, September 18, 2010

I am baaack. ;D

Why so silent, good monsieurs?
Did you think that I had left you for good?
Have you missed me, good monsieurs?
I have written you an opera.
Here, I bring the finish score....

Um-- sorry!
But I am back. Google & Blogger both sort of ... blocked me out of my account. BUT I FIXED IT! Yar.

So now, I shall continue to blog like I did before. Yesh.
So what's happened since I left?



that's right, I've been gone thaaat long!
So what did I think of it?

Well ... IT WAS STUNNING. That's what. I honestly loved it. I've never cried harder when reading a book than after this book. So many things ... aahh ... I'm scared to post spoilers, because this is such a big thing (I do reckon most people have read it already, but I just don't want to...).

I got my Mockingjay necklace! :D It's beaautifulll!!!!! <3
I've written a whole lot more stuff.
Eaten much gelato.
I discovered I had won a poetry competition
My novel reached the fourteen thousands.
I got new converse.
A blog got made about the amazing Young Writer's Group of Shelfari!

I'll blog some more later, but right now I've got some stuff to do. :)